Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I'm feeling a sense of urgency regarding the creation of an online presence for the classes I teach. Posting dates for assignments, etc. seems critical at this point in time. We have tried to use Communicado in our district but Communicado seems a bit archaic when compared to Google docs and all the apps available online.


  1. Communicado can be helpful but it has its limitations (and it's a bit outdated). I've used Blogs before to post assignments and deadlines, so perhaps using Google calendar and blog/wiki together can be helpful.

  2. I agree. Google apps seems to be more adaptive to each individual teachers needs.

  3. Yes, i also agree. My site for this class is a website for one of my classes meant for the students. I asked the students what they thought would be most useful to have on the site and they asked for a class calendar... so I started a google calendar and embedded it on my site. I hope it helps, but I honestly think that many of students will still forget to look at the site calendar. We will see.
